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Master advisors



Name: Feng Shao

Degree: Doctor

Title: Associate Professor

Department of Electronics Engineering

Email: sf@jiangnan.edu.cn

Research area: Oxide based EDL thin film transistors, inkjet printing and sensing applications.

Supervising subjects: Microelectronics and solid state electronics; Integrated circuit engineering

Education history: Graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2006 and obtained an Msc degree in Nanotechnology from KTH Sweden in 2010. Then he conducted his research on nanowire gas sensors at Catalonia Institute for Energy Research and obtained his doctorate degree from the University of Barcelona in 2014. After 2 years as postdoc at Nanjing University, he joined Jiangnan University in 2016.

Language: Chinese native, English fluent

Publications: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56173927800

Host education technical department of jiangnan university. Address: no.1800, lihu avenue, wuxi, jiangsu, 214122
Technical support: information construction and management center. All copyright © jiangnan university
